Doosan Delivers Krishnapatnam RTGCs

Doosan Delivers Krishnapatnam RTGCs

Industrial engineering firm Doosan has transported five rubber-tired gantry cranes from Dung Quat, Vietnam, to Krishnapatnam Port, India.

The cranes each weighed 160 tonnes and measured 28 meters long, 13 meters wide and 27 meters high. They marked the 80th "Made in Vietnam" cargo container crane delivered from the Dung Quat Economic Zone in Vietnam.

“With these new Doosan cranes, Krishnapatnam Port Co. will increase productivity and more than double their productivity and capacity while saving time for customers, reducing costs for shippers and ensuring that cargo trains trucks and ships can depart on schedule,” a spokesperson for KPCL said.

Doosan operates the Doosan Vina high-tech industrial complex in the Dung Quat Economic Zone, and produces mega infrastructure components including boilers for thermal power plants, desalination plants, material handling systems like cranes and structural steel for buildings and infrastructure developments.

Photo: Doosan have delivered 80 cargo container cranes from Dung Quat. Credit: Doosan

